18-day Virtual Meditation Confirmation and Information
Thank you for registering for the 18-day virtual meditation series with Master Li! You should also receive a confirmation email with this information (please check the “promotions” tab if you use gmail).
Replays will be hosted in the "Heart Space" community. You should have gotten an email invitation if you are not already a member - please accept this invitation and create a password if you want to access replays. If you are a member, the channel "18-day Meditation Videos" should have been added. Please log in and check that you can see that space on the left column.
Login for the community is: https://community.shengzhen.org
Once logged in, click on "18-day Meditation Videos" on the left column to access replay videos (it will be empty until replay(s) are posted)
Replays will be posted within 48 hours of each days live event and will remain available through December 31st, 2020
If you have questions or issues, email drmiles@shengzhen.org
Live event:
Daily from November 3rd - 20th 6am Pacific US, 7am Mountain US, 9am Easter US, 3pm Central Europe, 4pm Israel, 10pm Manila and China
Link to access the live event (you might want to copy and paste this into a note for yourself so you can easily access each day from Nov 3rd - 20th): https://zoom.us/j/97575183664?pwd=d05Xa3pRZmV3TnNaem8yOFdhTzhoUT09
Or use this info in Zoom: Meeting ID: 975 7518 3664 and Passcode: meditate
Please click here to download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
For issues with accessing live events, please email drmiles@shengzhen.org