Sheng Zhen Teacher Training Israel 2017
Becoming a Sheng Zhen Teacher
Welcome! We hope you will join the growing family of Sheng Zhen teachers around the world.
Our vision is of a more loving, peaceful world. Sheng Zhen teacher training (TT) was created to train practitioners who wish to teach Sheng Zhen Meditation and philosophy, and contribute to creating a more loving and peaceful environment, locally and globally.
With hearts opened by longer daily practice, our minds and bodies can gain a deeper understanding of the forms. TT was created to allow attendees to immerse themselves in the Sheng Zhen state over a longer period of time.
These trainings develop discipline to obtain what Master Li calls “true freedom.” In this discipline, cultivation, purification and connection spontaneously occur. It takes time to embody this, and a full week of immersion is ideal for going deeply into the practice. Certified teachers are the foundation for spreading the practice and essence of Sheng Zhen.
Sheng Zhen teacher training is multi-faceted. Through the training, we cultivate our bodies, which are a natural vessel to embody love and the flow of qi. As we cultivate qi, purification naturally occurs. Hindrances from negative emotions begin to dissipate and we are able to navigate life from a place of greater clarity. We develop higher instincts for living and working via the central imperative of life: to manifest unconditional love in every circumstance and relationship in our life. This occurs more easily as we experience a deeper connection to each other, to nature, and to the whole universe.
We work for heaven, we work for love. Sheng Zhen teacher training is a commitment to love - to bring forth every person’s highest capacity for contributing to a more loving world.
Sheng Zhen Teacher Training Croatia 2017
Sheng Zhen Teacher Training France 2018
We go deeply into the forms:
You may have heard Master Li or Jing say that knowing all of the forms is not so important. It is much more important to experience the essence of the form or movement by going deeply into it.
Each teacher training, we focus on one or two forms, going deeply into the experience. The forms, movements and transitions are broken down part-by-part. We learn how to teach the forms clearly and precisely. And we study the contemplations and Sheng Zhen philosophy underlying the forms. It is vital that there is a consistency when teaching the forms and the philosophy. When we hold to the original teachings, then the essence of Sheng Zhen Meditation does not change or drift into other variations from the truth. Even those of us who have taught for some time find it helpful to check in and review the details of a form or movement.
Teacher Training, Wimberly, Texas 2015
At teacher trainings:
We learn directly from Master Li and Jing, training the heart, mind, body and soul.
We learn and understand the positions, path, synchronicity and essence of each movement in the form.
We find out what to look for in the movements; what is correct, what is incorrect and why.
We learn how to correct the movements in students.
We gain a deeper understanding of the main points and simplify the details when teaching your students
We participate in daily meditation, both moving and non-moving
In groups, we practice how to teach what was just learned, correcting each other to refine the movements
We co-teach a form to the group and participate in a contemplative discussions and feedback sessions on the experience of the presentation.
We go more deeply in to the Sheng Zhen Philosophy. Learning the core philosophy of Sheng Zhen is essential to understanding our true nature, the human heart and soul. It helps us further understand and experience unconditional love and the universe we live in. This helps us to unite heaven, Earth and humanity in our “inner and outer universe”.
We speak from our hearts and learn how to speak clearly about the Sheng Zhen philosophy.
We experience a deeper level of truth and connect with the universe in each movement and each form. The philosophy becomes embodied in our physiologies.
In the 7 days of TT participants work closely together. We practice together, train together and spend time sharing and getting to know each other. We are create bonds that help us work together, play together, laugh together, learn together, and help each participant grow to our fullest potential.
The more senior teachers will have opportunities and training in leadership roles. This helps teachers listen more closely to their hearts, to know what to say, how to guide students and what actions to take.
Sheng Zhen Teacher Training Philippines 2017
TT is a full 7 days of training. Participants train with Master Li or Li Jing 6-8 hours per day, practice together 1-2 times per day, do occasional homework assignments, and for certified teachers, meet for certain tasks. All of this is equivalent to practicing forms 8 hours a day for 7 days. The TT is the container for the Sheng Zhen state. Whether we are sleeping, eating, sharing, or doing the forms, we are practicing being in a state of unconditional love.
Repeat Teacher Trainings:
Those of us who have been to teacher training need little encouragement to return! Some teachers continue to attend as many trainings as they can. Some try to come every year, or every other year (to maintain certification) and some like to attend in other countries to meet the larger international family of Sheng Zhen teachers. Returning to TT can help teachers stay connected to the Sheng Zhen community; share their experiences teaching and learn from other teachers as well.
If you have any questions about becoming a Sheng Zhen Teacher, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sheng Zhen Teacher Training Austria 2017