Please print out and complete this form. Submit it, along with your Letter of Intent to:
Francie Shimaya, 5405 Salem Walk Dr., Austin, TX 78745 (512) 366-3224
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _________________________________________________________
Cell Number: ______________________________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________
Website: __________________________________________________________________
Please check ONE: I am applying as
____ a Certified Sheng Zhen Gong Teacher
____ a Sheng Zhen Teacher in Training
____ a Sheng Zhen Seminar Participant
For First, Second & Third time paricipants to TT
1. When did you first start Sheng Zhen Gong? ______
2.How long have you practiced Sheng Zhen Gong? ______
3. Who is your current Sheng Zhen Gong teacher? ______________
4. Have you studied:
- Gathering Qi and Awakening the Soul? _____
- SZ Healing Gong 1&2? _____
- Union of 3 Hearts and 9 Turns? _____
And either:
- Heaven Earth Gong and Heart Spirit as one? _____
Or :
- Heart Mind as One and Listening to the Heart? _____
5. How many hours of classes/workshops have you attended, with
Master Li Junfeng? ____ With Li Jing? ____ with a SZ teacher?____ on the internet/video? ____
6. Have you met Master Li or Jing Li? If yes, when? ________________________________
7. When and where was your first TT? ____________________________________
8. How many TT have you attended? ____________________________________
For Teachers in Training Participants (non-certified):
9. How many Sheng Zhen Gong classes are you teaching
weekly? ___________________
yearly? __________________
10. How many total hours of Sheng Zhen Gong teaching have you accumulated during the last 2 years? ______________________________________________________
For Certified Teachers:
11. What year were you first certified as a Sheng Zhen Gong teacher?
12. How many TT have you attended since your certification?
13. How many hours of teaching have you done?
14. How many weekend seminars have you taught?
15. What volunteer work have you done for SZ?
Medical Questions:
1. Please list any medical problems or needs that we need to be aware of,
2. Please list any physical limitations. __________________________________
3. Emergency contacts (name and phone number). _______________________
Please be self aware and mindful that this is a nine-day intensive. The training can be physically and emotionally challenging at times. If you have a serious medical condition (this is defined as psychological or physical), it is important that we know about it before hand. Please be advised that there is no medical staff on hand to handle emergencies, and all emergencies will be turned over to the appropriate local medical professionals.
Thank you for your understanding.
My diet is: VegetarianRegular diet Gluten free Wheat-freeDairy-free
Other dietary limitations: __________________________________________
Do you snore? Yes No
Are you early to bed or a night owl? (Please circle one)
I wish to room with: __________________________________________
with: __________________________________________
_____ My first room preference for this training is: Share room with 3 people and bathroom down the hall ($1950 per person)
_____ My first room preference for this training is: Share room with 2 people and private bathroom ($2165 per person)
_____ My first room preference for this training is: Single room ($2400 per person)
_____ I am enclosing a check, payable to International Sheng Zhen Society for ________________________.
_____ I am enclosing a (LOR) Letter of Recommendation and/or (LOI) Letter of Intent
Mail to:
Francie Shimaya, 5405 Salem Walk Dr., Austin, TX 78745 (512) 366-3224