"Strength in Balance: Healing for the Liver" workshop
Thursday April 20, 2017, 7-9 pm
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, April 21-23,2017 9:30 am to 5:00 pm each day
The liver is like a factory where raw materials are brought in and converted into something useful to the human body. It produces necessary substances that can break down food into that which is beneficial to the body. When the emotions are in balance, worldly excesses fall away. When the liver is healthy, the experience of a happy and balanced life becomes effortless. Honor the liver and its role in the human life.
This is an advanced form of Sheng Zhen Gong. Prerequisites to attend: A student must have studied Sheng Zhen Healing Gong and know at least one standing form.
Location: Nevada City Veterans' Building, 415 North Pine Street, Nevada City, CA 95959
3 1/2 Days. California acupuncture CEU's available.