Sheng Zhen Teacher Training
Below please find information to guide you through the process of becoming a Sheng Zhen teacher:
Prerequisites for attending Sheng Zhen teacher training
Additional requirements for attending Sheng Zhen teacher training
Sheng Zhen "participant" requirements at a teacher training
What you need to submit with your application
Requirements to receive full certification as a Sheng Zhen teacher
Sheng Zhen certified teacher principles
1. Prerequisites for attending Sheng Zhen TT:
In order to attend a SZ Teacher Training, everyone must have had education in the following forms:
• Gathering Qi and Awakening the Soul
• SZ Healing Stage One and Two
• The Union of Three Hearts and Nine Turns
• Either Heaven Nature Heart Contemplation and Heart Spirit as One
• or Heart Mind as One and Listening to the Heart
You may qualify as a Sheng Zhen Teacher in Training Participant or as a Sheng Zhen Seminar Participant. (see more information in #3 below).
The training experience during the retreat will be the same for all participants. (Certified SZ teachers have priority for enrollment, then enrollment opens for participants.)
Vancouver 2012 Teacher Training
2. Additional Sheng Zhen Teacher in Training Requirements
1. You have studied Sheng Zhen Gong forms for a minimum of 2 years. This includes a minimum of 54 instruction hours each year from a certified or approved Sheng Zhen [SZ] teacher, with at least 12 of your hours from Master Li Junfeng or Li Jing. The date you first started with a Sheng Zhen teacher will be needed when applying for certification. The SZ web site provides a list of certified teachers in your area.
3. Sheng Zhen Seminar Participant Requirements
If you have not studied Sheng Zhen Gong forms for a minimum of 2 years and have a minimum of 54 instruction hours, you may still apply to attend the TT course as a seminar participant.
The TT prerequisites still apply - you will need to know all the forms listed. The training will count towards hours of class time needed for certification. The total hours of the training will be on the certificate you get.
This training will not count towards the 2 TT’s needed for certification. Your next TT training you attend can be as a teacher in training participant and count towards teacher certification.
Teacher Training in Croatia 2017
4.What you need to submit with your application:
1) A Letter of Recommendation [LOR].
A LOR is required only if you have never attended TT before and is written by a certified SZ teacher on your behalf. The letter should state that you have fulfilled the prerequisites and that you are ready to attend a TT. You may find a Certified Sheng Zhen Teacher listed at
2) A Letter of Intent [LOI].
All participants must write a LOI prior to each TT attended. The LOI is written in your own words, answering the three questions on the teacher training application form. Even if you have attended teacher training in the past many times, please take the time to sit with these questions and write what you feel.
In addition, submit the application for the TT you are applying to. The bottom of the page has links. (The LOI is part of the online application form.)
Small group practice, Australia Teacher Training 2018
PLEASE READ: The importance of Applications and Registration logs
This information helps determine who the group leaders are and who the members will be for the small break out groups. The TT practice leaders are also chosen from this data.
The application form is important for the success of the TT. It helps the organizers, if it is submitted on time, distinguish the different levels of teachers coming to TT. Knowing this helps to organize the support for Master Li, Jing and all participants. This helps us to set up leadership roles to help focus the practice at TT.
So please, fill out all of the questions on your application! Fill out logs of teaching hours when asked to. Thank you.
5. To become a Certified Sheng Zhen teacher:
To be a certified Sheng Zhen teacher, one must understand the Sheng Zhen philosophy, live a Sheng Zhen life, respect others always (to have no conflict with others) and know the various Sheng Zhen Meditation forms. All people are encouraged to share the practice with their friends and family after they have learned from Master Li or a local Sheng Zhen teacher. To be considered for a Sheng Zhen Teacher certification, the MINIMUM number of study and teaching hours required is 320 hours of experience.
This includes:
1. Attending 2 Teacher Trainings within 2 years as a Teacher in Training participant
2. Attending a minimum of 108 hours of class time with Master Li, Jing, a Certified Sheng Zhen Teacher, or an Approved Sheng Zhen Teacher.
3. Having practiced teaching Sheng Zhen Meditation forms for a MINIMUM of 80 hours. This equates to a 1-hour class per week for 40 weeks over two years or two 1-hour classes per week for 40 weeks in one year. Note: This does not include demonstrations or leading a group in the movements, but practicing teaching the SZ forms. All people are encouraged to share the practice with others after they have learned from Master Li or an approved or certified teacher.
No one can be certified unless he or she has attended AT LEAST 2 Teacher Trainings and fulfilled all of the prerequisites.
6. Sheng Zhen Certified Teacher Principles
All Sheng Zhen Teachers:
• Have the same standard and explanation of the movements and philosophy, as defined by Master Li and Jing and use only their DVD’s, books, webinars and YouTube videos as teaching tools. Teachers do not make their own Sheng Zhen products.
• Attend one Teacher Training at least every two years and keep their profile updated on the International Sheng Zhen website.
• Maintain regular contact with the broader Sheng Zhen teaching community.
• Work together and respect each other without competition. Speak well of each other.
• Help others, serve others, share the practice.
In preparation for TT we recommend:
Increase your time spent practicing the forms and reading the contemplations.
Cultivate a daily meditation practice.
Think about both challenges and successes that you have experienced as a practitioner or teacher.
Bring those reflections to share with your fellow participants.
Note which forms and/or particular movements that need clarification.
Connect with the loving Sheng Zhen family world-wide who practice and share this gift with the world. Let your heart receive the support and love of this community.